Orlando City coaches and staff spent last week at over 12 local Elementary and Middle Schools, participating in Orange County Public School’s Annual American Education Week. The Teach-In format gave each participant a chance to speak to a range of students from ages 5-13. They took the morning to speak to their classes on not only the club but what their job responsibilities are. The most interesting thing about the day was how unique and diverse the experience was for each school and coach!
Kristin and her second grade class at Hiawassee Elementary spent time admiring the color purple, and anxiously awaiting the new season. Andy left his classes in a smiling sea of purple magnets, with each student raving about their new 'Orlando City desk'. Jeff took to the gym of Lawton Chiles Middle School, telling his story of joining the OC youth program and even including teachers in a juggling contest! Chris had eyes wide when he measured out the dimensions of a full-sized goal for his students, who couldn’t believe one player had to cover all of that space! Forrest even had his First grade class practicing their ‘Go Lions’ cheer.
Twanna Scroggins, Teach-In Coordinator for OCPS agrees “You can read a book; share an educational experience or your career; talk about a favorite vacation, hobby, or how a special teacher touched your life. Whatever your skills, no matter your topic, there is a classroom of students waiting to hear from you!”
However unique the message, everyone involved in this year’s Teach-In had a fantastic day sharing their Orlando City pride!