In just about a week, FIFA 18 will be released on all consoles and fans around the world are waiting to see what their team is rated. Well for Orlando City fans, wait no further. All of the team’s ratings for the upcoming game have been dropped. Here’s all you need to know about them.
Kaká is once again the top player for Orlando, with an 80 rating. He is the only player rated over a 75 for the Lions, however, there are a number of players right near the cusp of that rating.
The rest of the starters, as well as some of the bench players, are all silver players (any player rated 65-74): Cyle Larin, Dom Dwyer, Giles Barnes, Antonio Nocerino, Servando Carrasco, Cristian Higuita, Yoshi Yotun, Dillon Powers, Rafael Ramos, Kevin Alston, Joe Bendik, Seb Hines, Tommy Redding, Scott Sutter, Donny Toia, Carlos Rivas and Josh Saunders.
That leaves the five other players on the roster bronze, meaning they are rated 64 and lower (Hadji Barry, Richie Laryea, Tony Rocha, Conor Donovan and Earl Edwards Jr.)
Not shown yet are the cards for Leo Pereira (66 overall), PC (64 overall) and Pierre Da Silva (61 overall).
The biggest upgrades from last year are for Jose Aja, who went from a 64 overall to a 68 and Tony Rocha, who went from a 59 to a 63. Carlos Rivas, Hadji Barry and Jonathan Spector also received two point upgrades from FIFA 17. Spector, at a 72 overall, is the highest rated that he has been in his career in FIFA.
The game comes out on Friday, Sept. 29.


