Sell out the Orlando Citrus Bowl on March 8th, sell 14,000 season tickets and meet certain sponsorship goals. This was the challenge Orlando City SC President and Founder Phil Rawlins made to the team's front office at the beginning of the season. The Reward? An all-expenses paid trip to Chicago to watch the Lions take on the Fire. The staff promptly delivered and this past weekend, so did Phil.
The Orlando City front office headed to Chicago 70 strong this past Friday.
Don't get caught sleeping on the plane with 70 of your friends around.
No one is safe when it comes to the rainbow tongue... Even when you are sleeping.
— Stuart Drew (@studrew1) September 18, 2015
We arrived in a rainy Chicago, so naturally everyone took to social media.
— Jhamie Chin (@jhamieci) September 19, 2015