Orlando City

They said it: Oscar Pareja, Orlando City players react to 'tough result' at home


Orlando City head coach Oscar Pareja

Opening statement

“Disappointed, tough being at home in front of our fans and not getting the result. It is the most painful part. The analysis of the game, I thought we made a couple mistakes on the defensive phase that costs the game in terms of chasing it all the time. In the other side, in the other box we are not fine, we were optimistic today because we came off a game where we played very well and today, we were not fine in those two areas. Defensively those two mistakes and then offensively when we had the chances we could not score. I still have to be balanced on the analysis, and not be very passionate, just with the result on our shoulders and don't see all those things that we did good in the game because we did a bunch of things that were good and correct, and the team is getting in there. So, I have to talk about it too, so we'll keep on growing on those things but it's obvious I need to see with the group how we can grow those things that we are doing good and then how can we correct those others."

On if he felt if the team got enough chances in the second half

“With Nashville it's normal or typical these kinds of games, you know they wait for you to make a mistake and they settle, and we wanted to move the personnel, but also, we needed to see when the right timing was to do it and not just us start losing our heads, but we have a couple chances there. I don't think we have that much volume, but we have a couple chances that allow us to tie the game and then before the other mistake we made on the transition, then after that we just started moving desperately. I don't think we were moving correctly. We were just trying to do things and then with them sitting low, they know how to do it. We lost connection there and then we stopped creating clear chances. That's what I felt.”

On what changed from last week’s performance in Philadelphia

“The effectiveness in the two areas. I think the game between those two lines was very correct, but the games get decided on the two areas. Offensively we were sharp in Philadelphia. We were lethal when we had those chances and then here when we had it, we couldn't. Instead, we allowed them to get in behind us and play what is very typical for them. We were conscious about it, it's not a surprise that they sit, and they just try to get in behind of us and they did.”

Orlando City defender Kyle Smith

Thoughts on the match

“Yeah, like you said a tough result. I didn't think [Nashville] created too many chances. They got in behind us a couple of times. The first goal was off of a quick free kick and then I thought we created a little bit more in the second half, we just couldn't finish it."

On what the team did well and what they could have done better tonight

“I thought we controlled the tempo of the game well. We did well building up the field, breaking their press, but I think we need to work on being focused when the ball gets played in behind and then also just creating more volume inside the box and scoring goals.”

On what changed from the game against Philadelphia last week

“Yeah, like you said, it was a completely different game, I would say. Because [Philadelphia] is more back and forth, where tonight it was more possession-based, I would say. I think it's hard to say, I have to watch the film and analyze the game, but yeah, it's a different game.”

Orlando City goalkeeper Pedro Gallese

On his thoughts on tonight’s match

We came out in the second half trying to find the game a little bit. There were a few plays that we wavered on there. There were some entries that we allowed to get to the penalty spot, I think two or three, but those are things that we have to fix.”

On the team starting games well, while still having difficulties winning

It cost us today. Those are things that we have to fix. There are games coming up that are going to be more difficult. These next two weeks, we’ll have time to analyze what happened and try to correct those things moving into this game in two weeks against Minnesota [United FC].”

On how the team could have more equilibrium and get more results at home

“Yeah we've got strong plans for the season, we have to solidify those and we've got to make sure that moving forward we've got a good team. We need to fix what's going on in terms of some of those goals that are getting through the backline, but we have to know that we're a solid team whether we win or lose. Those things are going to happen so we need to keep our heads up.”