
Election Day: City Fans Represented Players All Year Long

Election Day

Today is Election Day: the day that Americans from all over the country will go to the polls and select the next President of the United States. Voting is a source of pride for any American citizen: and any American soccer fan. As Orlando City fans, you have voted countless times to help us win awards such as Goal of the Week and Save of the Week. Here is a review of your 2016 voting record.

Goal of the Week

Orlando City won Goal of the Week six times in 2016. Larin won the honor four times, in Week 2, Week 12, Week 21, and Week 28. Molino won in Week 13 and Baptista won in Week 15. Orlando City was nominated an additional eight times. 

Save of the Week

Orlando City won Save of the Week eleven times in 2016. Bendik won the honor in Week 5, Week 9, Week 11, Week 12, Week 17, Weeks 19-22, Week 25, and Week 27. Bendik was nominated only one other time. 

Still To Come

Bendik is nominated for Save of the Year; voting for the Semi-Final Round ends in 11 hours. He is nominated for his save against Sporting Kansas City in Week 11. He is up against Joe Willis for his save against the Seattle Sounders in Week 33. Currently, Bendik holds a commanding lead, but make sure that you vote if you havenā€™t already! Your vote counts!